There was a line in the movie Parenthood which is the best description of being a father ever written.  Steve Martin said “my whole life is have to”.  In our time and our day, fathers put their own needs and dreams down or threw them out entirely to make a life for kids that was better than what they had.  These dads were not part of the me generations.  They were just responsible and took the beat down that doing for others really is.  This is why men die first.  Maybe they weren’t touchy feely or demonstrative about their feelings but they were essentially the originators of “Just Do It”.  Day in and day out working at jobs they may have hated and being the front line of protection for their families.  Real fathers are husbands, not baby daddies, do what it takes along with their wives, yes wives, not baby mommas, to grow and raise people who help society flourish.  The investment is life long and in another line from Parenthood, Jason Robards tells Steve Martin that the race is never over, you never reach the finish line.  This is what the father does.  He waits for the race to end but it never does.  He waits for free time but rarely if ever does it come.  Slowly the wheels come off and eventually his race is over.  Keep this in mind when you don’t call or visit or snicker about his desire to talk to his kids and grandkids instead of competing with your phones.

This Father’s Day instead of buying him a drill why don’t you ask your dad what his dreams were.  Ask him about his life growing up.  Ask him what he regrets.  Ask him what decisions he made that altered his life.  Ask him about what he wants his future to be.  How much do you know about your dad? While he’s around maybe you could find out.

In 2018, here’s to the dads that broke their ass for you.  The dad that would take a bullet for you.  The dad that you were lucky to have.

Life is short.


Bobby La Douche’